
Palestinski djecak drzi pusku-igracku i nosu masku, dok se pretvara da puca an americke turiste na ulici u jeruzalemskom Starom gradu. 18. kolovoza 2006. REUTERS/Finbarr O’Reilly
During war many Haifa Arabs flee to West Bank cities, encounter humiliation, prefer to return to Katyushas. Hotels and restaurants hike up prices and residents harass women and girls. Palestinian Authority opens official investigation of issue. 'We will never again make donation or participate in demonstration for West Bank from now on,' said one Haifa Arab.
Several Arab families decided to act on Hizbullah Chief Hassan Nasrallah's "recommendation" and leave rocket-stricken Haifa during the war in south Lebanon. They traveled to Palestinian towns like Bethlehem and Ramallah, and even to east Jerusalem, but soon after decided they had rather return home and face the rocket menace. The reason: The bad treatment awarded to them in hotels, restaurants and stores, as well as ongoing harassments of their wives and daughters on the part of the local residents.
Ghani Abassi, married and a father of three daughters, decided to go with his family to Bethlehem and flee the Katyusha attacks. Abbasi traveled to the Palestinian town with some 10 other families from Haifa, who all chose to stay at local hotels. Unfortunately, this was when their true nightmare began.
"I waited for three days until I got a room. Then it turned out that the air conditioning wasn't working, and I was told that the reason was the high price of electricity. I decided that this wasn't that bad, because we felt we were among our brothers at the West Bank and were willing to endure the terrible heat, knowing we're safe and that our visit was also of financial help," Abbasi described to the website of the Israeli-Arab newspaper al-Sinara.
"However, the treatment we received was disgraceful and dreadful," he said. "We walked around town for a while, but the attitude we encountered on the part of the locals was horrible. The youngsters on the street started harassing our wives and daughters and used shocking expressions that I cannot even bring myself to pronounce," he said.
Another Haifa resident, who went with his family to Jerusalem to escape from the rocket threat, said that the local merchants blatantly took advantage of the situation and inflated the prices in stores. A bottle of mineral water that usually sells for about NIS 4, for instance, was being sold to the Haifa tourists for NIS 10.
'Even foreigners are respected there'
"They told us, 'you are worse than the Jews.' We heard expressions of joy over the fact we have fled our homes, and some even tried to attack us. We were disgusted and decided to return to Haifa," he said, stressing that he used to be a regular donor to the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza.
According to him, after that day and the humiliation he experienced in Bethlehem, he does not plan on donating even one shekel. "We thought we are one nation and that what really hurts them, hurts us too. We went to demonstrations for them and we donated a lot of money to them because we thought they are our brothers and that is our obligation. But, what we found was exploitation and undeserving treatment toward someone supposedly from the same nation," he told.
The same resident added that he expected the families from Haifa and Nazareth to be warmly received in the West Bank towns, but what took place was the exact opposite. Today he speaks with regret about the two days he spent in Bethlehem.
"While touring in Ramallah, a few youngsters said to us, 'you are the same as, even worse than, the Jews.' We tried to understand why they were acting that way toward us, but they attacked us and a fight broke out. We are very sorry for what happened and we couldn't have expected such an unfit welcome from members of our nation whom we had respected and appreciated very much. But they didn't respect us at all, and saw as worse than the Jews. We are very sorry for what happened and that we drove all the way there to see the painful truth that they don't respect us there," said Ghani Abassi.
Abassi added that the restaurants jacked up prices for customers because they thought they were foreign 'tourists.' "Even foreigners are respected there, but we, their own brothers, felt like they don't respect us, and my friends and I asked why? Are we unworthy of the respect due to members of the same nation?"
Following such treatment, Abassi and his friends hurried back to the lap of the Katyushas and air raid sirens of Haifa. "'We will never again make a donation or participate in a demonstration for the West Bank from now on," said one of them.
(08.16.06, 09:42)
If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide(Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002)
If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli.(New Yorker, Oct. 14, 2002)
...grandsons of apes and pigs...
...Allah’s most cowardly and greedy creatures...(MEMRI: Al- Manar, Feb. 3, 2006)
Oh people, our beloved and our dear brothers in Palestine, I want to tell you that this Israel, which possesses nuclear weapons and the most powerful air force in the region, by God, it is weaker than a spider web...(May 26, 2000)
One of the central reasons for creating Hizbullah was to challenge the Zionist program in the region. Hizbullah still preserves this principle, and when an Egyptian journalist visited me after the liberation and asked me if the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem were Hizbullah's goal, I replied: "That is the principal objective of Hizbullah, and it is no less sacred than our [ultimate] goal. The generation that lived through the creation of this entity is still alive. This generation watches documentaries and reads documents that show that the land conquered was called Palestine, not Israel." We face an entity that conquered the land of another people, drove them out of their land, and committed horrendous massacres. As we see, this is an illegal state; it is a cancerous entity and the root of all the crises and wars and cannot be a factor in bringing about a true and just peace in this region. Therefore, we cannot acknowledge the existence of a state called Israel, not even far in the future, as some people have tried to suggest. Time does not cancel the legitimacy of the Palestinian claim.(Hasan Nasrallah, interview, Egyptian television, June 2, 2000)
The Israeli Air Force could destroy the Lebanese army within hours ... but cannot do this with us ... we exercise guerilla warfare(July 16, 2006).
Palestinians need to struggle for their freedom ... and Lebanon is a good example.(Nightline, Oct. 19, 2000).
We have liberated the south (Lebanon), next we’ll liberate Jerusalem.(Wasington Post, July 16, 2006).
...put a knife in your shirt, then get close to an Israeli occupier and stab him.(Nightline, Oct. 19, 2000)
The main effort at the time went into mustering and attracting young men and setting up military camps...(Hala Jaber, Hizb Allah Born With a Vengeance, Columbia University Press, 1997, pp. 49-50)
The second effort was spreading the word among the people, first, in a bid to raise their morale, and second to instil in them a sense of animosity towards the enemy, coupled with a spirit of resistence...this required us to use the language of indoctrination rather than realpolitik. People then were not in need of political analysis, they were in need of being incited and goaded.
wage psychological warfare against the Zionist enemy.To se ostvaruje, glorificiranjem napada, posebice samoubilačkih protiv Izraela. Prošle je godine, Nasrallah pojavivši se na Al-Manar-u ohrabrivao "mučeništvo" među djecom, govoreći:
How can death become joyous? How can death become happiness? When Al-Hussein asked his nephew Al-Qassem, when he had not yet reached puberty: "How do you like the taste of death, son?" He answered that it was sweeter than honey. How can the foul taste of death become sweeter than honey? Only through conviction, ideology, and faith, through belief, and devotion.MEMRI: Al-Manar TV , Feb. 18-19, 2005)
We do not want to...leave our homeland to Israel... Therefore, we are not interested in our own personal security. On the contrary, each of us lives his days and nights hoping more than anything to be killed for the sake of Allah. (
our nation's willingness to sacrifice their blood, souls, children, fathers, and families" is an advantage over the Jews "who guard their lives.(MEMRI: Al-Manar TV on May 23, 2006.)
financial, political and media support.(AP, April 26, 2006)
lands can [only] be returned through Holy War, martyrdom, blood, sacrifices and bullets.(Chicago Tribune, Nov. 27, 2000)
The Palestinian National Charter will live on as long as there is a knife in a Palestinian woman's hand with which she stabs an Israeli soldier or settler ... as long as there are suicide bombers in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ... and as long as there is a child who throws a stone in the face of an Israeli soldier.(AP, Dec. 12, 1998)
The Lebanese refuse to give the Palestinians residing in Lebanon Lebanese citizenship, and we refuse their resettlement in Lebanon. There is Lebanese consensus on this...we thank God that we all agree on one clear and definite result; namely, that we reject the resettlement of the Palestinians in Lebanon.(BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar TV, Nov. 5, 2003)
Americans have outdone Hitler.(AP, Oct. 2, 2001) Tijekom jednog emitiranja opužio je Amerikance za:
sponsored plans for extermination, eradication and genocide against the people in the Middle East.(BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Feb. 8, 2002)
Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute...(United Press International, Nov. 4, 2001)
I conclude my speech with the slogan that will continue to reverberate on all occasions so that nobody will think that we have weakened. Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America." (BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Sep. 27, 2002)
Nasrallah progovara i o Američkom definiranju Hezbollaha kao terorističke grupe: "It is our pride that the Great Satan (U.S.) and the head of despotism, corruption and arrogance in modern times considers us as an enemy that should be listed in the terrorism list...I say to every member of Hezbollah (should) be happy and proud that your party has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations as the U.S. view it.
Martyrdom operations - suicide bombings - should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it.(Washington Times, Dec. 6, 2002)
It [Hizb Allah] has served as a role model for terror groups around the world ... Al Qaeda learned the value of choreographed violence from Hizb Allah...(New Yorker, Oct. 14, 2002)
According to both American and Israeli intelligence officials, the group maintains floating "day camps" for terrorist training throughout the Bekaa Valley...
In some of them, the instructors are supplied by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and Iran's Ministry of Intelligence. In the past twenty years, terrorists from such disparate organizations as the Basque separatist group ETA, the Red Brigades, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and the Irish Republican Army have been trained in these camps"
O izraelskoj destrukciji Beiruta, evo nešto iz drugog kuta - pogledajte satelitsku mapu!Označio sam, najbolje što sam mogao, ALI U NJIHOVOJ PRAVILNOJ PROPORCIJI, dijelove mog rodnog grada, koje je Izrael uništio. To su Haret Hreik – u potpunosti – i naselje Hizb Allinih vođa, smješteno u velikom šiitskom predgrađu Dayaa (kako ga oni speluju) i taj sam dio zaokružio u plavom.
Uz ova dva dijela grada, izraelsko je zrakoplovstvo raznijelo Hizb Allinu 9-katnicu, u kojoj se nalazila Hizb Allina komanda, u centru Beiruta pa malo prema sjeverozapadu od Haret Hreika na mapi. It was Nasrallah’s perch inside the city, whereby he asserted his presence and domination over us. A depot of Syrian arms in the port, two army radars that the Shiite officers had put at the Hezb’s disposal, and a truck suspected of transporting arms, in the Christian quarter of Ashrafieh.
Moreover the road and airport infrastructures were put out of working order: they served to provide Hezbollah with arms and munitions. Apart from that, Tsahal has neither hit nor deteriorated anything...
Predsjednik Palestinske Samouprave Mahmoud Abbas pohvalio je Hizb Alline teroriste nedugo nakon što su Kaćuše danas ubile 11 Izraelaca.
Nakon dolaska u Jemen, Abbas je novinarima rekao da je rat ponovno ispunio arapski svijet s ponosom i da je Hizb Allah primjer drugima, da je prate.
46 vojnika i
43 civila.
260 stožera i zgrada, koji pripadaju Hizb Alli
60 bunkera
70 skladišta oružja
30 Hizb Allinih infrastrukturnih meta
90 raketnih lansera
100 sumnjivih vozila s osnovanom sumnjom da prevoze rakete, ili teroriste
50 mostova
1,200 pozicija za lansiranje i cesta koje do njih vode.
Human Rights Watch u srijedu je ustanovio da je broj mrtvih u Qani 28, uz 13 nestalih, umjesto originalno objavljenih 54 žrtava.Izašla istina na vidjelo? Nema veze. Cilj je postignut - Izrael je još jednom demoniziran u svjetskoj javnosti i imamo nastavak poznate ikonografije, koju čini slučaj Muhameda al Dure iz 2000., slučaj masakra u Jeninu iz 2002. i sad Qana, 2005.
Zaista, ako je okupirana sveta arapska zemlja inicijator bliskoistočne krize, Sirija sigurno ne bi riskirala puškaranje oko toliko važne Golanske visoravni. U međuvremenu, Kairo je centar virulentnog antisemitizma, iako je Izrael s Egptom odavno potpisao mirovni sporazum i povukao se sa Sinaja, zaključno s 1982.
Svijet se nadao da će, nakon izraelskog povlačenja iz Libanona 2000. i Gaze 2005. te nedavnih izbora u Beirutu i u Palestinskoj Samoupravi, biti svjedok dolasku trajnog mira između racionalnih demokratskih država. Postupno, Izrael se vraćao u svoje granice od prije 1967. Zauzvrat bi - postpuno - nadali su se svi, arapski susjedi glasovali za razumne državnike, koji bi odbacili terorizam i počeli izgrađivati vtalna gospodarstva i vlade. Međutim, sve te promjene uključivale su u sebi radikalnu promjenu bliskoistočnog mentaliteta, a to se nije dogodilo.
Nameće se pitanje - ako najnoviji ratovi u Libanonu i Gazi nisu za zemlju, jesu li to ratovi za uništenje Izraela?
Poslušajmo vrlo lijepu priču, koja nas uči o hrabrosti djeteta i koja nas uči da dijete, odgojeno u dobroj kući, koje prima pravilnu vjersku edukaciju voli mučeništvo i ono, za njega, postaje instinkt. On ga se nikad ne može odreći.
Ova priča, prijatelji, je prekrasna priča. Abu Qudama bio je zapovijednik muslimanske vojske, kad su se ovi borili protiv Bizantinaca. Bizantinci su imali veliku vojsku, dok muslimani nisu imali mnogo boraca. Zato je Abu Qudama hodao ulicama, među siromašnima, pozivajući. Dođite, pridružite se jihadu! Dođite, pridružite se jihadu!
Uzmi mog dječaka za jihad
Žena mu reče: Abu Qudama, imam dječaka. Dat ću ga tebi. Povedi ga sa sobom u rat. On upita: Je li on još uvijek dječak? Ona odgovori: Ima 15 godina i njegov je otac postao mučenik u prošlom ratu. Otkad je god njegov otac postao mučenik (šahid / shahid / šehid), on sijedi cijele dane i noći, moleći da mu Allah udijeli mučeništvo.
Muslimanski zapovijednik zahvalio je Alli (dativ od Allah), što je primio dječaka-ratnika od njegove majke.
Sa'id je ispalio prvu strelicu, ubivši jednog (nevjernika). S drugom strelicom ubio je drugog, a s trećom trećeg. Kad je on bio pogođen strelicom, pao je na zemlju kao mučenik. Dobio je mučeništvo, kojem je toliko težio. Nešto kasnije, ispustio je svoj posljednji dah. Sa'id, 15-godišnje dijete, doživio je mučeništvo u slavu Alle (genitiv od Allah). Umro je sretan.
Prijatelji, kada mučenik umre, njegova odjeća služi kao njegov pokrov. Omotali su ga u njegovu odjeću i nisu ga oprali, jer mučenike peru anđeli.
Tako su donijeli Sa'ida, svog umotanog u njegovu odjeću, a krv mučeništva cijedila se niz njega (parafraziram)... (nastavak na linku)
Oni su majmuni i svinje... naš bog tako kaže.Djevojčicin odgovor oduševio je voditeljicu:
Allah je hvaljen. Neka je blagoslovi naš bog. Nitko ne bi poželio posvećeniju djevojčicu. Neka bog blagoslovi nju i njezine roditelje,oduševljeno će voditeljica.
Članak 22. "Židovi su stajali iza Francuske revolucije, a podigli su i komunističku revoluciju. Izazvali su I. i II. svjetski rat, napisali su Balfourovu deklaraciju, kroz financijsku kontrolu imperijalnih država kolonizirali su druge zemlje te eksploatirali njihova bogatstva i donijeli korupciju, a uspostavili su i UN i Vijeće sigurnosti radi lakšeg upravljanja svijetom."
Članak 28. “Izrael, samim time što je židovski i što je nastanjen Židovima, prkosi islamu i muslimanima. Cionizam se ne usteže od podlih i gnusnih načina ostvarenja svojih požuda. U svrhu infiltriranja i špijuniranja, uvelike se oslanja na tajne organizacije koje je uspostavio, poput masona, Rotary i Lions klubova, i drugih špijunskih udruga. Sve te tajne organizacije, od kojih su neke vidljive javnosti, djeluju u korist cionizma i pod njegovim vodstvom, te nastoje uništiti društva i njihove vrjednote, dokinuti odgovornost, uzdrmati vrline i iskorijeniti islam. On stoji iza raspačavanja droga i svih vrsta opijata u svrhu nametanja svoje kontrole i ekspanzije”