13 kolovoza, 2006

Tko je ili što je Hassan Nasrallah, vodeći čovjek Hizb Alle?

Od veljače, 1992., Hassan Nasrallah, vodi Lebanonski Hizb Allah, Iranski podurptu terosrističku grupu, koji prema izvješćima prima između 100 i 200 milijuna $ od Irana i drugih podupiratelja iz Arapsko-muslimanskog svijeta. On se jasno suprotstavlja priznavanju Države Izrael, nazivajući ju "kancerogenim entitetom", "krajnjim zlom", čija je "anihilacija...definitna stvar".

Poseban odnos, gaji prema Židovima pa se njegova "pažnja" očituje već nekoliko mjeseci nakon što je zasjeo na čelno mjesto hezbollaha na ovaj način: smatra se, prema svojemu priznanju, odgovornim za: smrt 29 ljudi i ranjavanje 200 osoba u bombaškom napadu na izraelsko veleposlanstvo u Buenos Ariesu, tamo je malo produžio boravak te je nedugo zatim izveo bombaški napad na Židovski Centar, ubivši 89 i ranivši preko 200 osoba.

Širenje aktivnosti Hizb Alle nakon, što je Nasrallah, preuzeo vodstvo, proizlazi iz stava da su Židovi uvijek i svugdje legitimna meta terorizma, ovoje razvidno iz sljedećih izjava, dotičnog:
If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide
(Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002)
If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli.
(New Yorker, Oct. 14, 2002)

ili već poznati stavovi kao npr.:
...grandsons of apes and pigs...
...Allah’s most cowardly and greedy creatures...
(MEMRI: Al- Manar, Feb. 3, 2006)

Naravno njegova "pažnja" prema Židovima, kao i kod svih dobrih antisemita, očituje se prvenstveno u odnosu prema Izraelu. Tako je Hizb Allah pojačao aktivnosti nakon što je Nasrallah zauzeo vodstvo, pa je njegov potpis na sljedećim masakrima: 1993., 26 vojnika IDF-a je ubijeno (dvostruko više od godine prije), Hizb Allah je ispalio oko 150 Kaćuša, a taj je broj gotovo utrostručio u 1996., kada je poslano preko 500 Kaćuša na Izrael. Kao posljedicu imalo je to što su se izraelske žrtve gomilale, pa je 1997. ubijeno blizu 40 IDF-ovih vojnika, u sukobu s Hizb Allom. Bombaški samoubilački napadi i druge terorističke akcije, uzele su svoj danak na Izraelcima, pa je tako Hizb Allah uglavnom zaslužan za povlačenje Izraela iz Libanona u 2000., događaj koji se smatra jedinim izraelskim porazom od Arapske strane. Nasrallin libanonski uspjeh i činjenica da je njegov najstariji sin, Hadi, poginuo u borbi s izraelom 1997., podigao je ugled Nasralle i Hizb Alle u regiji, dodajući u njegovu borbu dodatne osobne motive.

Poznatim govorom, obratiti će se javnosti, nakon povljačenja u 2000., te će reći:
Oh people, our beloved and our dear brothers in Palestine, I want to tell you that this Israel, which possesses nuclear weapons and the most powerful air force in the region, by God, it is weaker than a spider web...
(May 26, 2000)

Nekoliko dana prije, Nasrallah, elaborirao je o Hizb Allinim ciljevima:
One of the central reasons for creating Hizbullah was to challenge the Zionist program in the region. Hizbullah still preserves this principle, and when an Egyptian journalist visited me after the liberation and asked me if the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem were Hizbullah's goal, I replied: "That is the principal objective of Hizbullah, and it is no less sacred than our [ultimate] goal. The generation that lived through the creation of this entity is still alive. This generation watches documentaries and reads documents that show that the land conquered was called Palestine, not Israel." We face an entity that conquered the land of another people, drove them out of their land, and committed horrendous massacres. As we see, this is an illegal state; it is a cancerous entity and the root of all the crises and wars and cannot be a factor in bringing about a true and just peace in this region. Therefore, we cannot acknowledge the existence of a state called Israel, not even far in the future, as some people have tried to suggest. Time does not cancel the legitimacy of the Palestinian claim.
(Hasan Nasrallah, interview, Egyptian television, June 2, 2000)

Hizb Allina taktika postala je model za druge terorističke grupe, koje se sukobljavaju sa jakim neprijateljem. Nasrallah objasnio je to za Washington Post :
The Israeli Air Force could destroy the Lebanese army within hours ... but cannot do this with us ... we exercise guerilla warfare
(July 16, 2006).

Nasrallah je gledao kako inspirirati Palestince Hizb Allinim uspjehom protiv Izraelaca:
Palestinians need to struggle for their freedom ... and Lebanon is a good example.
(Nightline, Oct. 19, 2000).

U 2000., rekao je:
We have liberated the south (Lebanon), next we’ll liberate Jerusalem.
(Wasington Post, July 16, 2006).
Poticao je Arape da:
...put a knife in your shirt, then get close to an Israeli occupier and stab him.
(Nightline, Oct. 19, 2000)

Ne iznenađuje da su Palestinci započeli svoje najubitačnije napade, bombašima samoubojicama, u 2000., samo nekoliko mjeseci nakon što su izraelske snage napustile Libanon.

Nasrallah, huškanje i Al-Manar TV

Huškanje je oduvijek sastavni dio strategije Hizb Alle. U intervjuu sa Al-Safir-om, Nasrallah je opisao svoje prioritete u prvim mjesecima njegova vodstva Hizb Alle:
The main effort at the time went into mustering and attracting young men and setting up military camps...

The second effort was spreading the word among the people, first, in a bid to raise their morale, and second to instil in them a sense of animosity towards the enemy, coupled with a spirit of resistence...this required us to use the language of indoctrination rather than realpolitik. People then were not in need of political analysis, they were in need of being incited and goaded.
(Hala Jaber, Hizb Allah Born With a Vengeance, Columbia University Press, 1997, pp. 49-50)

Nasrallah odašilje svoje poruke preko vlastite tv-stanice Al-Manar, glavnog strija za huškanje na nasilje protiv Židova, Izraelaca i Amerikanaca. Al Manar-ska iskazana misija je:
wage psychological warfare against the Zionist enemy.
To se ostvaruje, glorificiranjem napada, posebice samoubilačkih protiv Izraela. Prošle je godine, Nasrallah pojavivši se na Al-Manar-u ohrabrivao "mučeništvo" među djecom, govoreći:
How can death become joyous? How can death become happiness? When Al-Hussein asked his nephew Al-Qassem, when he had not yet reached puberty: "How do you like the taste of death, son?" He answered that it was sweeter than honey. How can the foul taste of death become sweeter than honey? Only through conviction, ideology, and faith, through belief, and devotion.

We do not want to...leave our homeland to Israel... Therefore, we are not interested in our own personal security. On the contrary, each of us lives his days and nights hoping more than anything to be killed for the sake of Allah.
MEMRI: Al-Manar TV , Feb. 18-19, 2005)

U svibnju ove godine, Nasrallah se pojavio na Al-Manar TV-ukako bi objasnio da:
our nation's willingness to sacrifice their blood, souls, children, fathers, and families" is an advantage over the Jews "who guard their lives.
(MEMRI: Al-Manar TV on May 23, 2006.)

Nasrallah i palestinsko-izraelski spor

Nasrallah potpaljuje tenzije između Izraela i Palestinaca koristeći Hizb Alline resurse kako bi potpomogao palestinske napade na Izraelce. Rekao je AP-u da je opskrbljivao Palestince oružjem do 2001., kada je Izrael presreo brod s oružjem koje je smjeralo za Judeju i Samariju. Hizb Allah, priznao je nastavio je davati druge oblike podrške za Palestinske teroriste uključujući:
financial, political and media support.
(AP, April 26, 2006)

Nasrallah je denuncirao svaki mirovni sporazum koji su učinili Izraelci i Palestinci koje je pak poticao da ga nasilno odbace (sporazum, prim. prev.). On smatra da:
lands can [only] be returned through Holy War, martyrdom, blood, sacrifices and bullets.
(Chicago Tribune, Nov. 27, 2000)

Na primjer kada su Palestinci, razmatrali modifikaciju "Chartera" izbacujući reference na ilegitimnost postojanja Države Izrael, vođa Hizb Alle je uzvratio:
The Palestinian National Charter will live on as long as there is a knife in a Palestinian woman's hand with which she stabs an Israeli soldier or settler ... as long as there are suicide bombers in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ... and as long as there is a child who throws a stone in the face of an Israeli soldier.
(AP, Dec. 12, 1998)

Nasrallah i Palestinci u Libanonu

Dok Nasrallah potiče Palestince da pomru za njihova "prava" i "slobodu" protiv Izraela, odbija dati državljanstvo Palestincima koji žive u Libanonu:
The Lebanese refuse to give the Palestinians residing in Lebanon Lebanese citizenship, and we refuse their resettlement in Lebanon. There is Lebanese consensus on this...we thank God that we all agree on one clear and definite result; namely, that we reject the resettlement of the Palestinians in Lebanon.
(BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar TV, Nov. 5, 2003)


Dok je Izrael glavni fokus Hizb Alline mržnje, Nasrallini anti-američki stavovi stalno se izrazavaju, pa tako npr. izjavljuje:
Americans have outdone Hitler.
(AP, Oct. 2, 2001) Tijekom jednog emitiranja opužio je Amerikance za:
sponsored plans for extermination, eradication and genocide against the people in the Middle East.
(BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Feb. 8, 2002)

Nastup, iz 2002., na Al-Manar-u ilustrira njegovo teško neprijateljstvo prema Americi:
Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute...

I conclude my speech with the slogan that will continue to reverberate on all occasions so that nobody will think that we have weakened. Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America." (BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Sep. 27, 2002)
Nasrallah progovara i o Američkom definiranju Hezbollaha kao terorističke grupe: "It is our pride that the Great Satan (U.S.) and the head of despotism, corruption and arrogance in modern times considers us as an enemy that should be listed in the terrorism list...I say to every member of Hezbollah (should) be happy and proud that your party has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations as the U.S. view it.
(United Press International, Nov. 4, 2001)

U vrijeme događanja u Libanonskoj dolini Bekaa, Nasrallah ohrabruje bombaške samoubilačke napade diljem svijeta usmjerene protiv Zapada:
Martyrdom operations - suicide bombings - should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it.
(Washington Times, Dec. 6, 2002)

Globalni Doseg

Hizb Allah je grupa koja, izvješteno je, ima utjecaj diljem svijeta. Prema Magnusu Ranstorpu, direktoru "Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence", sa "University of St. Andrews" u Škotskoj:
It [Hizb Allah] has served as a role model for terror groups around the world ... Al Qaeda learned the value of choreographed violence from Hizb Allah...

According to both American and Israeli intelligence officials, the group maintains floating "day camps" for terrorist training throughout the Bekaa Valley...

In some of them, the instructors are supplied by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and Iran's Ministry of Intelligence. In the past twenty years, terrorists from such disparate organizations as the Basque separatist group ETA, the Red Brigades, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and the Irish Republican Army have been trained in these camps"
(New Yorker, Oct. 14, 2002)

S nadom da će dotični, Nasrallah, što prije otići s ovoga svijeta, Vaš


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