
12 svibnja, 2009

Palestinski šeik Papi: Ujedinimo se i ubijajmo Židove!
Papa išetao sa međuvjerskog dijaloga u Jeruzalemu, nakon što je vrhovni palestinski islamski sudac, nepozvan stao na govornicu i krenuo u antisemitsku tiradu, kakva se svakodnevno može čuti u palestinskim džamijama.

Sjajna analiza Caroline Glick - nove mogućnosti za Izrael
"Kad se jedna vrata zatvore, druga se otvore"

Dvostruki standardi u medijima
Svjetski i hrvatski mediji, pišu o Izraelu koristeći dvostruke standarde. Jedan od primjera daje i Emanuel Navon, koji je intervjuiran za francuski radio.
Nakon dolaska na vlast nove izraelske vlade, novinari u europi se natječu u kvalificiranju Avigdora Liebermana "kontroverznim", "ultranacionalistom", "ultradesničarom" i sl. Istovremeno palestinski predsjednik Abbas, redovno je opisan kao "umjeren". Možda i zato, što je njegov doktorat, u kojem obrazlaže tezu o suradnji cionista i nacista i dovodi u pitanje Holokaust, obranjen u Moskvi...
Razgovor Emanuela Navona za francuski radio izgledao je ovako:

Question: How come Lieberman is not officially endorsing the two-state solution?

Answer: Why should Israel support a "solution" that keeps working in theory and failing in practice, and that is systematically rejected by the Palestinians? They rejected partition in 1937 and in 1947, showed no interest in establishing a state between 1949 and 1967, and rejected both the Camp David proposals and the Clinton parameters. They are now partially ruled by Hamas, which denies Israel's right to exist, and by Fatah, which denies Israel's right to be Jewish. Creating a Palestinian state while Hamas has the upper hand and Iran is about to become nuclear would pave the way to Israel's destruction, not to peace. The Palestinians have to choose between the "right of return" and the "two-state solution." And they will not be inclined to choose realism and compromise while backed, incited and manipulated by a nuclear Iran.


Question: Hmm. Well, Lieberman's refusal to unequivocally endorse Palestinian statehood is probably why he's going to get a cold shoulder in Paris. Bernard Kouchner is not going to hold a join press conference with him. Isn't that understandable?

Answer: I don't remember your country giving a cold shoulder to a Turkish official for not accepting the creation of a Kurdish state or for not ending the occupation of Cyprus.

Silence # 2 (slightly longer this time).

Question: President Sarkozy will probably not receive Lieberman, obviously because of his views. How do you feel about this?

Answer: Sarkozy had no problem receiving Muammar Gaddafi at the Élysée Palace. How do you feel about that?

Silence # 3 (swiftly replaced by a "thank you very much," meaning "I think we'll stop here").

Fatwa u Egiptu - svinje potječu od Židova
Šeik Ali Osman, iz egipatskog ministarstva, izdao je fatwu, kojom je dozvoljeno ubijanje svinja...jer potječu od Židova.

U Šri Lanci ubijeno više od 400 civila, od toga 100 djece
Hrvatske udruge za ljudska prava šute. Po običaju. U Šri Lanci nema Židova...

Irak bi tužio Izrael zbog napada na nuklearni reaktor 1981.
Čim su se Židovi sjetili da su ih iračani opljačkali...stiže nova briljantna ideja. Kao da su Tin Gazivoda i Maja Hasanbašić savjetnici iračke vlade.

Cjepivo protiv reumatskog artritisa?

Napad na preživjele na komemoraciji u Mauthausenu
Neonacisti uzvikivali "Heil Hitler" i pucali na preživjele logoraše zračnim puškama.


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