
05 travnja, 2009

Još jedan teroristički napad u Izraelu
Hrvatski mediji - ponovo niti riječi. Ovako se priprema teren za optužbe o genocidu i "neproporcionalnom ratovanju"...
At approximately 2 p.m. Saturday, Basma Awad al-Nabari, a 16-year-old high school student from the village of Houra, arrived at the Border Police base near the Shoket Junction between Beersehba and Arad armed with a gun, and opened fire at the soldiers.
The soldiers returned fire and managed to kill Nabari, who was an Israeli citizen.

Pobuna Aškenaza - Jest ćemo kitnijot za Pesah
Rice — a key ingredient in sushi — is not in the biblically banned category of hametz, or leavened cereal grain. Religiously, if not taxonomically, it falls within the family of legumes that in Hebrew is known as kitniyot.
Sephardic Jews eat them on Passover, but Ashkenazic rabbis banned them centuries ago because they resemble leavened food when they swell up.
More and more foods have been classified as kitniyot in recent years, as Ashkenazi rabbinic positions have hardened across a wide expanse of Halacha, or traditional religious law. Of late, however, something of a rebellion has erupted among pockets of Modern Orthodox Jews who have decided to eat kitniyot.

Spain, Israel and War Crimes
The case was brought to the Spanish court by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, which is represented in Spain by Gonzalo Boyé, a Marxist revolutionary who was sentenced to 14 years in prison for collaborating with the Basque terrorist group ETA.
Spain’s investigation of Israel for war crimes is being motivated by at least three closely interrelated factors: judicial vanity; anti-Western globalism that uses international law to eat away at national sovereignty; and anti-Semitism disguised as concern for human rights.

NYC police worries over terror threats
Policija u New Yorku priprema planove za pojačani nadzor nad židovskim institucijama, školama i sinagogama.
Concerns that Muslim extremist groups might retaliate against civilians in the city's Jewish community if Israel were to attack Iran's nuclear facilities prompted the NYPD to put together a response plan that includes deploying extra officers, including heavily armed Hercules Teams, to synagogues, Jewish community centers and Israeli diplomatic offices.

Ne uzdišite "O, Bože...!", ali seks je micva
"Judaism obligates the husband to provide his wife with sexual pleasure," Knohl said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post last week. "This obligation emanates from the biblical commandment to 'love thy neighbor like thyself.' Rabbis have written quite a bit about what is the best way to perform this commandment."

Ahmad i Salim


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