
08 travnja, 2009

Svima od srca želimo Hag Pesah košer vesameah!
Ne zaboravite na Birkat HaHama sutra ujutro!

Hasidi Habada švercaju macot u Iran
Iranski Židovi uživaju sve slobode, osim nekih, tj već, tako i uvoz košer artikala ako su proizvedeni u Izraelu. Prošli tjedan, u tajnoj operaciji, za koju će uskoro "slobodarski iranski režim" okriviti Mosad, članovi Habada su transpotirali macot, proizveden u Ukrajini, i pakirane u omote sa kojih su uklonjena hebrejska slova ( u ime slobode vjeroispovijesti). Kol hakavod!

Hamasovi problemi sa Stingerima
The source said Hamas smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008. The source said the Hamas military deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip. "Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'":)

Ahmed i Salim 2

Bahreinski veleposlanik u Americi je Židov
Kao što stari vic kaže - Židovi bi trebali čitati isključivo arapski tisak - tamo su uvijek predstavljeni kao vladari svijeta, medija, banaka...
Many people said the king’s overtures were a safe and convenient bid to cement ties with Washington… “We always believe here that control of America is governed by the Zionist lobby,” said Salman Kamal al-Deen, a businessman and the head of the Bahrain Human Rights Society. “The media and the money are all in the hands of the Jews. We believe if we have a Jewish ambassador and Jews in the Shura Council, this is a positive indicator for the country.

Seder Pesah za robote

Dok se svjetski i hrvatski antisemiti, pod krinkom boraca "za ljudska prava" slamaju od traženja načina za delegitimaciju Izraela, nazivajući Židove zločinačkim narodom, izraelski studenti, kao i obično, okrenuti su budućnosti...

Neki od naslova iz JTA's Daily News Bulletins, travanj 1944:
• Hungary Bars Jews From Travelling On Railroads; Budapest Being Made "judenrein"
• American Jewish Servicemen Mark Passover At Seders In Four Corners Of The World
• Palestine Calm Broken; Gunman Battles Police In Main Street Of Tel Aviv
• Passover Ushers In Nation-wide $32,000,000 Campaign For United Jewish Appeal


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