31 srpnja, 2006

Ich wohnte bis 2002 in einem kleinen Dorf im Süden nahe Mardschajun, das mehrheitlich von Schiiten wie mir bewohnt ist. Nach Israels Verlassen des Libanon dauerte es nicht lange, bis die Hisbollah bei uns und in allen anderen Ortschaften das Sagen hatte. Als erfolgreiche Widerstandskämpfer begrüßt, erschienen sie waffenstarrend und legten auch bei uns Raketenlager in Bunkern an. Die Sozialarbeit der Partei Gottes bestand darin, auf diesen Bunkern eine Schule und ein Wohnhaus zu bauen! Ein lokaler Scheich erklärte mir lachend, dass die Juden in jedem Fall verlieren, entweder weil die Raketen auf sie geschossen werden oder weil sie, wenn sie die Lager angriffen, von der Weltöffentlichkeit verurteilt werden ob der dann zivilen Toten. Die libanesische Bevölkerung interessiert diese Leute überhaupt nicht, sie benutzen sie als Schilder und wenn tot als Propaganda. Solange sie dort existieren, wird es keine Ruhe und Frieden geben.

Dr. Mounir Herzallah,
U djelomičnom prijevodu:
...Do 2002. godine živio sam u malom južnolibanonskom selu u blizini Mardshajunda, koje je bio većinom naseljeno šijama, kao što sam i ja. Nakon što je Izrael napustio Libanon, Hizb Alli nije dugo trebalo da ispuni vakuum. Primljeni kao uspješni pokret otpora i naoružani do zuba, oni su i u našem naselju uskladištili svoje oružje u novosagrađenim bunkerima. Socijalni rad Božje stranke sastojao se u izgradnji škole i stambenog naselja iznad tih bunkera! Lokalni šeik, smiješeći se, objasnio mi je da će Židovi svakako izgubiti jer će, ili rakete pogoditi njih, ili će - ako budu napali skladišta raketa, biti osuđeni od svjetskog javnog mnijenja radi mrtvih civila. Ove ljude nije briga za libanonsko stanovništvo, oni ih koriste kao žive štitove, i, kad jednom stradaju, kao propagandu. Dokle god Hizb Allah tamo egzistira, mira neće biti...



These days, when we are “between the straits”, and in these desperate hours, our brothers Sons of Israel in the State of Israel face hard and murderous times from our enemies and those who are up to destroy us.

While in the battle front our brave soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces risk their lives in the air and sea to repel those who turn upon us, and defend our people and the cities in Israel.

I call upon our Jewish brothers in the Diaspora, wherever they are, to pray for the well-being of our soldiers and their success this Tuesday at 19:00
(Israel time , for the recovery of the wounded, and the return of the captives to the loving arms of their families all safe and sound.

Rabin Jona Mecger, glavni (aškenaski) rabin Izraela: Tfila.org.il


Jedan od zarobljenika, čije se puštanje traži od Izraela. Nasrallah je obećao oslobađanje svo gheroja pod svaku cijenu, imenujući tu i otmicu izraelskih vojnika. Samir Quntar počasni je palestinski građanin...


30 srpnja, 2006

Istraga izraelske vojske ustanovila je da se zgrada u Qani (Kani) srušila oko osam sati nakon djelovanja izraelskog zrakoplovstva.
Napad na strukturu u selu Qani dogodio se između ponoć i jedan. Vremenska šupljina između vremena kolapsa zgrade i vremena udara je nejasna,
rekao je brigadni general Amir Eshel, čelni čovjek Glavnog stožera IAF-a - izraelskog zrakoplovstva novinarima na konferenciji u Ministarstvu obrane u Tel Avivu.

Brigadni general Eshel i šef operativnog stožera (Operational Branch) izraelske vojske, general-bojnik (Major General) Gadi Eisnkot rekli su da struktura nije bila napadnuta u vrijeme kad se srušila - oko 8 sati ujutro.

IDF vjeruje da je i Hizb Allin eksploziv u zgradi mogao biti iza eksplozije, koja je uzrokovala kolaps.

Druga mogućnost je da je zgrada ostala stajati nekoliko sati od napada, ali je onda ipak došlo do kolapsa.
Moguće je da su u zgradi bile pohranjene (s)tvari, koje s konačno mogle dovesti do eksplozije. Ovo govorim vrlo oprezno, jer do ovog trenutka ne znam kako objasniti ovu vremensku pukotinu od napada do kolapsa građevine.
rekao je brogadni general Eshel.

Za to vrijeme iz Libanona stižu informacije od 60 poginulih u kolapsu zgrade u selu Qana.

Foografija urušenog podruma

Nastavite čitati: Incident u Qani - Update
Intrigantni detalji oko urušavanja zgrade
Zlouporaba djece... još jednom...

Iz blogosfere:
There are other mysteries. The roof of the building was intact. Journalist Ben Wedeman of CNN noted that there was a larger crater next to the building, but observed that the building appeared not to have collapsed as a result of the Israeli strike.

Why would the civilians who had supposedly taken shelter in the basement of the building not leave after the post-midnight attack? They just went back to sleep and had the bad luck to wait for the building to collapse in the morning?

What we do know is that sometime after dawn a call went hour to journalists and rescue workers to come to the scene. And come they did.

While Hezbollah and its apologists have been claiming that civilians could not freely flee the scene due to Israeli destruction of bridges and roads, the journalists and rescue teams from nearby Tyre had no problem getting there.

Lebanese rescue teams did not start evacuating the building until the morning and only after the camera crews came. The absence of a real rescue effort was explained by saying that equipment was lacking. There were no scenes of live or injured people being extracted.

There was little blood, CNN’s Wedeman noted: all the victims, he concluded, appeared to have died while as they were sleeping — sleeping, apparently, through thunderous Israeli air attacks. Rescue workers equipped with cameras were removing the bodies from the same opening in the collapsed structure. Journalists were not allowed near the collapsed building.

Rescue workers filmed as they went carried the victims on the stretchers, occasionally flipping up the blankets so that cameras could show the faces and bodies of the dead.

But Israelis steeled to scenes of carnage from Palestinian suicide bombings and Hezbollah rocket attack could not help but notice that these victims did not look like our victims. Their faces were ashen gray. Their limbs appeared to have stiffened, from rigor mortis. Neither were effects that would have resulted from an Israeli attack hours before. These were bodies that looked like they had been dead for days.

Još jedna moguća verzija s blogosfere... u očekivanju potpunijeg izviješća izraelske vjske:
It seems to me there is a consistent timeline.

1) IDF hits the building at 1:00 am. Civilians sleeping in the building are killed, mostly by overpressure (few visible injuries).

The bodies are not recovered immediately in the dark during ongoing IDF attacks in the area.

2) Building collapses around 8:00 am. Maybe it was weakened and a nearby hit dropped it, maybe some other munition finally "cooked off."

Building collapse is not as complete as WTC, does not create the same volume of dust coverage.

3) Rescuers dig out victims showing rigor mortis (some 7 hours after death).

4) The rescue activity is also a political activity. Some of the rescuers dig out the victims, others carry the victims out for pictures. The carriers are photogenic and fairly clean.

It is still possible that extra bodies were planted.

It appears that some of the "rescuers" are as concerned with the photo opportunity as they are with the rescue effort.

It is certain that weapons were stored in, and launched near, a building that housed civilians. This is a war crime.

Update: verzija A:
According to one of the neighbors, the house that was bombed was a children's shelter. The residents who agreed to speak said that there were two families who funded the shelter because of its proximity to the mosque. All the residents denied Israeli claims that Hizbullah fighters roamed the streets or that rockets were shot from their neighborhood.

Verzija B:
National Public Radio’s correspondent reported that residents of that building had left and the victims were non-residents who chose to shelter in the building that night. They were “too poor” to leave the town, one resident told CNN’s Wedeman. Who were these people?

Verzija C:
The tobacco farmer's house was thought to be the safest place in town, perched on an innocuous edge of Lebanon's Bekka Valley..."We told the women and children to hide here in the basement. We thought they would be safe," said Jalah Chalhoub, another relative, wringing his hands still crusted with mud...


Update: Osvrt blogosfere na Qanu
Još jedan update: Čovjek u bijeloj majici iz spasilačke ekipe... član Hizb Alle?!


Glasnogovornik izraelske vojske:
Jutros, 30. srpnja 2006. godine, izraelsko ratno zrakoplovstvo napalo je raketni lanser u podrčju sela Qane; s tog područja su stotine raketa lansirane prema izraelskom gradu Nahariji i zajednicama u zapadnoj Galileji.

Izraelska vojska branit će državljane Izraela od Hizb Allinih napada i odgovornost za sve civilne žrtve pada na Hizb Allina leđa, jer su isti libanonska predgrađa pretvorili u ratni front, ispaljivanjem raketa iz civilnih područja.

Stanovnici ove regije, a posebno stanovnici sela Qane, danima su bili upozoravani da napuste selo. Osamnaest izraelskih civila je ubijeno, a preko 400 ranjeno raketama ispaljenih s ovog područja, koje su ugrozile živote desetinama tisuća izraelskih građana.

IDF žali za svaku štetu, koju trpe neinvolvirani civili, ali ovaj je incident rezultat Hizb Allinog korištenja libanonskih civila kao živih štitova.

25. srpnja, IDF je bacao letke na arapskom, u kojem upozorava civile da se evakuiraju (letak na fotografiji posta):
Svim libanonskim građanima južno od rijeke Litani:

Zbog terorističkih napada na Državu Izrael s područja vaših sela i domova, IDF je prisiljen odgovoriti na takve aktivnosti iz vaših naselja. Radi vaše sigurnosti, pozivamo vas da se evakuirate sjeverno od rijeke Litani!

Link (na linku je i video s pripadnicima Hizb Alle, koji lansiraju rakete iz naselja)


Fotografije, prokrijumčarene iz Libanona, pokazuju pripadnike Hizb Alle u civilnoj odjeći, sa svojim naoružanjem u naseljima... hrabri borci koriste svoj vlastiti narod kao ljudski štit.

Svaka čast junaci!

Još jedna fotografija
I još jedna...
The images, obtained exclusively by the Sunday Herald Sun, show Hezbollah using high-density residential areas as launch pads for rockets and heavy-calibre weapons.

Dressed in civilian clothing so they can quickly disappear, the militants carrying automatic assault rifles and ride in on trucks mounted with cannon.

The photographs, from the Christian area of Wadi Chahrour in the east of Beirut, were taken by a visiting journalist and smuggled out by a friend.

Link na vijest


Popular Resistance Committees - Gaza.


Oko 500.000 stanovnika sjevernog Izraela moralo je otići iz svoga doma zbog raketa koje je Hezbollah ispaljivao sa svojih položaja u Libanonu tijekom deventnaestodnevnog sukoba, izjavio je službeni predstavnik izraelske vlade.
Zbog raketnih napada ugroženo je oko milijun stanovnika sjevernog Izraela, od kojih je trećina napustila svoj dom,
kazao je službeni predstavnik ministarstva vanjskih poslova Mark Regev.

Link Na Spiegel

Nešto više o svjetskom licemjerju povodom ove vijesti: JoeSettler:
As more than 500,000 Jews are refugees from their homes, seeking sanctuary in bomb shelters, at friends, relatives, and even strangers; as businesses are destroyed, buildings destroyed, cars destroyed, Jews murdered and wounded – by Islamic Fundamentalist missiles, I haven’t heard the UN say anything about aiding Israel, I haven’t heard any of the world bodies say anything about providing aid to Israel.

As Kassams fall on Sderot injuring and killing I don't hear the UN talk about aid to the victims.

In fact, it was only when Israel began to hit back did the world suddenly remember the word “cease-fire”.

The truth is, keep your aid, and keep your cease-fires.

In the end, we Jews are keeping the mitzvah of supporting our own and don’t want or need to share it with you. We are raising our own funds to support the victims of Islamic Fundamentalism and World Hypocrisy. We are providing shelter for our own in our own homes.




Osim već zasigurno poznatih dijelova o tome kako se pripadnici Hizb Alle kriju ucivilnim objektima i po poljima, zanimljivo je vidjeti na koji način oni promatraju ovaj sukob, kojeg su sami izazvali:
For Ali and his comrades, the latest conflict is a war of survival not only for Hizbullah but for the whole Shia community. It is not only as a war with Israel, their enemy for decades, but also with the Sunni community. Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt have all expressed fears of Iranian domination over the Middle East.

"If Israel comes out victorious from this conflict, this will be a victory for the Sunnis and they will take the Shia community back in history dozens of years to the time when we were only allowed to work as garbage collectors in this country. The Shia will all die before letting this happen again."

He says that even if the international community calls on Hizbullah to disarm as part of a peace deal, he and his men will not lay down their arms. "This war is episode two in disarming Hizbullah. First they tried to do it through the Lebanese government and the UN. When they failed, the Americans asked the Israelis to do the job."


And even when the battle with the Israelis is over, he adds menacingly, Hizbullah will have other battles to fight. "The real battle is after the end of this war. We will have to settle score with the Lebanese politicians. We also have the best security and intelligence apparatus in this country, and we can reach any of those people who are speaking against us now. Let's finish with the Israelis and then we will settle scores later."


29 srpnja, 2006

Ovo je jihad u ime boga i trajat će dok naša religija ne pobijedi... od Španjolske do Iraka. Napast ćem svugdje. Španjolsku su kontrolirali arapski muslimani, sve dok ih od tamo nije otjerala sila na početku 16. stoljeća.
Link na vijest


Muslimanski Amerikanac, podrijetlom Pakistanac u petak je ušao u Židovsku federaciju u Seattleu i ogorčen onim što se događa u Izraelu pucao u 6 žena, ubivši jednu u teško ranivši tri.
The gunman who forced his way into the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle on Friday afternoon put a gun at the back of a 13-year-old girl to gain entry to the building, police said this afternoon.

The man who described himself as a Muslim American angry with Israel then opened fire with two handguns, killing one woman and wounding five others before surrendering to police.

The man then presumably drove to the federation building, where he hid behind a plant in the lobby for a short time. Kerlikowske said he waited for someone to come in to gain access into the office. When the 13-year-old girl walked up, he put a gun to her head and forced her to take him inside.

"She could not have kept him out," Kerlikowske said. "She was a hostage." The man carried two semi-automatic handguns and extra ammunition into the federation's offices, the chief said.

Bilo bi zanimljivo vidjeti gdje se dotični nalazio tog petka, prije dlaska u Židovski centar...

Ovom prilikom šaljem pozdrave i huškačkim medijima u Hrvatskoj.

Link na vijest


Jedan od freelance novinara za časopis Dance Europe, Nicholas Rowe ima svoj popis političkih preduvjeta za izraelske umjetnike, ako isti žele biti objavljivani u dotičnom časopisu:
1. They must openly refuse to do their national service. I cannot work with anyone who would give any support to this military machine.

2. They must publicly declare, through their art or even a simple programme note, that they condemn the military occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

3. They must publicly declare, through their art or even a single programme note, that all the illegal Israeli settlements must be dismantled.

4. They must publicly declare, through their art or even a single programme note, that they support the return of refugees.

What a simple list, a little combination of UN 194 and 242 with a little something of my own, yet not a single Israeli artist (and I had badgered quite a few) was willing to accept it. . . .

Odgovor na CV iz firme, koja se bavi dizajnom:
Thank you for your CV, but in you're not we're looking for. . . . Speaking personally however may I suggest that for European consumption you would be wise to omit details of your national service, which you describe with such evident and ingenuous pride?

The natural reaction of most educated Europeans to the information you provide is likely to be "so it was she who guided those guinships to targetted assasinations and the murder of women and children with indiscriminate bombing and strafing of refugee camps (refugee camps!!!! 50 years after your compatriots drove them from their homes - and you have done nothing for them ever since.)!". Most educated Europeans - and as a matter of fact a large proprtion of educated Americans too - now view 'Israel' as a brutal undemocratic (where are the votes for the indigenous inhabitants whom you have helotised?) colonial state . . . .

Poznati slučaj oksfordskog profesora Andrewa Wilkieja, koji je posdiplomskom studentu, koji se prijavio za asistenturu u njegovom laboratoriju odgovorio:
Thank you for contacting me, but I don't think this would work. I have a huge problem with the way that the Israelis take the moral high ground from their appalling treatment in the Holocaust, and then inflict gross human rights abuses on the Palestinians because the (the Palestinians) wish to live in their own country.

I am sure that you are perfectly nice at a personal level, but no way would I take on somebody who had served in the Israeli army. As you may be aware, I am not the only UK scientist with these views but I'm sure you will find another suitable lab if you look around.
Nastavite čitati Pleši, Europo


28 srpnja, 2006

Haifa, Beirut and many other Lebanese and Israeli towns and villages are under fire. Who would have thought this possible a few weeks ago? Across the globe, the reaction to the images of destruction and death in Lebanon, but also in Gaza and Israel, has been one of abhorrence.

The current war in Lebanon is not a war by the Arab world against Israel; rather, it is a war orchestrated by the region's radical forces - Hamas and Islamic Jihad among the Palestinians, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria and Iran - which fundamentally reject any settlement with Israel.

Conflict was sought for three reasons: first to ease pressure on Hamas from within the Palestinian community to recognize Israel; second to undermine democratization in Lebanon, which was marginalizing Syria; and third to lift attention from the emerging dispute over the Iranian nuclear program and demonstrate to the West the "tools" at its disposal in the case of a conflict.

Moderate Arab governments understand full well the issue at stake in this war: It is about regional hegemony in the case of Syria with Lebanon and Palestine and, on a wider level, Iran's hegemonic claim to the entire Middle East. Yet the war in Lebanon and Gaza could prove to be a miscalculation for the radicals. By firing missiles on Haifa, Israel's third-largest city, a boundary has been crossed. From now on, the issue is no longer primarily one of territory, restitution or occupation. Instead, the main issue is the strategic threat to Israel's existence.

The rejectionist front has underestimated Israel's determination and capacity for deterrence. It has proved there is no way back to the status quo in Lebanon, and it revealed Iran's hegemonic aspirations to the entire world. The folly of this is readily apparent, because it doesn't require much imagination to see what the Middle East would look like if an Iranian nuclear umbrella were shielding the radicals.

This miscalculation will become obvious as four developments unfold:

Israel avoids being sucked into a ground war in Lebanon;

b UN Resolution 1559 - which requires the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon with the help of the international community - is enforced and a return to the status quo rendered impossible;

b today's de facto "anti-hegemon" coalition, comprising moderate Arab countries (including moderate Palestinians), is transformed into a robust and serious peace initiative; and

b the Quartet, led by the United States, becomes actively engaged for a viable solution and provides the necessary political, economic and military guarantees to sustain it over time.

Israel has a key role to play here. Twice, it withdrew its troops unilaterally behind its recognized borders, namely from southern Lebanon and Gaza. Both times, Israel's land-for-peace formula resulted in land for war. Now, with the existence of Israel under threat, peace with its Arab neighbors seems a more distant prospect than ever.

I believe today's war in Lebanon can open up a new opportunity for peace. The sooner the guns are silenced in Lebanon, the better. But let's not forget the war's starting point: the clash within Hamas over whether to recognize Israel. And let's not forget the attitude of moderate Arab governments toward this war and to the hidden intentions of those who sought it.

Israel's security makes a restructuring of Lebanon's internal organization and a guarantee of Lebanon's state sovereignty nonnegotiable. Now is the time to play the Syrian card and bring President Bashar Assad onto the path of normalization. With the Golan Heights, Israel has the key element in its hand. Without Syria, Iran would be alone. Iraq, too, would profit from such a development.

Finally, things are not as hopeless for the Palestinians as they may seem. In Israel's prisons, a consensus has developed among leading Fatah and Hamas Palestinian inmates on accepting a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. This new Palestinian realism must be supported. But there can be no way past the historic date of June 1967 (for both sides).

How then, will Israel define its security in the future? Currently, Israel emphasizes massive deterrence, but it would be well advised to utilize the political and diplomatic possibilities presented by this war and take the initiative from a position of strength to offer a comprehensive peace to all those who are ready to recognize its existence and permanently renounce violence, not just in word, but also in deed.

Now is the time to think big! This applies not only to Israel and its neighbors, but to the U.S. and Europe as well. This war offers a chance for lasting peace. We must not let it slip away.

Joschka Fischer, a leader of the Green Party for nearly 20 years, was Germany's foreign minister and vice chancellor from 1998 to 2005.



O nesrazmejru u broju žrtava s jedne i druge strane:
...the only reason there aren’t more Israeli deaths than the few score who have been killed and hundreds who have been injured is because around one third of Israel’s population is virtually living in shelters. And the only reason there is such a well-developed network of shelters is because Israel’s citizens have endured a state of siege for half a century from a genocidal Arab world that wants to wipe them off the map. Today, one third of Israel has effectively been shut down. To use this self-protection born of lamentable necessity as an argument that they are not actually the victims of this situation is beyond grotesque...

O Hizb Allinom raketiranju izraelskih položaja tjednima prije ubojstva i otmice vojnika te raketiranja gradova, a kojis pokrenuli najnoviju eskalaciju:
As an American-Isreali while serving on the Lebenon/Israel Border just over a year ago in May, our base was pounded with rockets and morters two weekends in a row. The Hezbolah were using the UN bases as cover while not inside the UN Bases were positioned alongside as to prevent us (I was in a tank) from returning fire. Talk about peacekeepers! We all know the UN is a platfrom for promoting terrorisim and the suffering of those who truly want to live peacfully and democraticly.



Slijede dijelovi interviewa sa sirijskim zamjenikom ministra religijskog odgoja, dr. Muhammadom 'Abd Al-Sattarom, emitiran na sirijskoj televiziji 21. srpnja 2006. godine. Ovaj nastup slijedi iza onog iz studenog 2005. godine, kad je isti dužnosnik religijskog odgoja nazvao Židove potomcima majmuna i svinja; prošlog je, pak, kolovoza, u televizijskom interviewu pozvao na kamenovanje bolesnika od AIDS-a.
Jihad je danas propisan na svakog muslimana, Arapina i kršćanina. Došlo je vrijeme za dužnost jihada.


Tko je okupirao mošeju Al Aksa? Tko je napadao proroke? Tko je ubijao proroke? Čak i Kuran opisuje narod Izraela na vrlo ružan način. Allah nije prokleo ni jedan narod, čak ni mnogobošce, čak ni obožavatelje idola. Kuran nije nikoga od njih prokleo. Jedini narod, proklet u Kuranu su ovi kriminalni ubojice.


Kuran upotrebljava termine, koji su bliži životinjama, nego ljudima, samo u slučaju ovih ljudi. Pogledate koju bestijalnost oni pokazuju u uništavanju arapskog, libanonskog i palestinskog naroda. Zato su ovi ljudi, kojima je dana Tora, povezani s magarcem koji nosi knjigu. Oni su također povezani s majmunima i svinjama, i oni zaista jesu potomci majmuna i svinja, kako nas Kuran uči...

MEMRI video i tarsnkript ovog nastupa


Građenje nacije... ili krajnji cilj Fatahovog faznog plana... osvajanje:
Sporazumi iz Osla nisu bili ono, o čemu su Palestinci sanjali. San palestinskog naroda bio je povratak, samoodređenje, uspostava neovisne palestinske države i oslobođenje svoje zemlje. Ipak ne bi bilo nikakvog otpora u Palestini da nije bilo Osla. Oslo je bio taj, koji je osnažio palestinski otpor. Svi okupirani teritoriji - a ja sam bio jedan od aktivista i u prvoj i u drugoj Intifadi i bio sam nekoliko puta uhićen... da nije bilo Osla, nikad ne bi bilo otpora. Kroz okupirane teritorije nismo mogli pomaknuti ni jedan jedini pištolj s jednog mjesta na drugo. Da nije bilo Osla, i oružja, kojeg smo putem tih sporazuma dobili, da nije bilo područja "A" Palestinske Samouprave, da nije bilo obuke, kampova, zaštite koju smo dobili Oslom i da nije bilo puštanja tisuća palestinskih zatvorenika kroz sporazume u Oslu - ovaj palestinski otpor ne bi mogao izvući ovu veliku palestinsku Intifadu, s kjom smo se suprotstavili izraelskoj okupaciji.
Ziyad Abu 'Ein, član Fatahovog rukovodstva: da nije bilo Sporazuma iz Osla, ne bi bilo Intifade - link na MEMRI transkript i video (emitirano na Al-Alam TV 7. srpnja 2006.:

A mi smo svi cijelo vrijeme mislili da će ispunjavanje članaka sporazuma iz Osla i daljnje pregovaranje postupno dovesti do mira, a time i do postupne uspostave palestinske države...


27 srpnja, 2006

Glavni tajnik Aline/Alahove/Allahove/Božje stranke (Huzb Allah), Hassan Nasrallah danas bi trebao biti u damasku, kako bi se sastao sa sirijskim predsjednikom Basharom Assadom i predsjednikom iranskog Vrhovnog nacionalnog vijeća sigurnosti, Alijem Larijanijem, piše kuvajtski dnevnik Al-Seyassah.

Članak citira sirijske izvore i kaže da je Nasralla(h) došao u civilnoj odjeći, a ne u uobičajenoj klerikalnoj uniformi, u kojoj se inače ukazuje (sic!).

Dnevnik Al-Seyassah, poznat po svojoj antisirijskoj orijentaciji, tvrdi da je sastanak organiziran kako bi se našao način opskrbe iranskim oružjem za Hizb Alline teroriste, a preko Sirije.



Ženski glas na arapskom s hebrejskim naglaskom:
Gospodine Mahmoud, obavještavam vas da će vam, kao pripadniku Hamasa (iz tog i tog razloga), IDF za neko vrijeme bombardirati kuću.
Ibrahim Mahmoud slijedećih sat vremena provodi evakuirajući 20 članova obitelji iz svoje 4-katnice. Nakon sat vremena:
Ops. došlo je do greške. Opustite se, ništa vam se neće dogoditi.
(dramatizacija ovog događaja je isključivo moja)

Brojni drugi Palestinci primili su ovih dana slične pozive; mnogi su od njih bili mete IDF-a. U pitanju je nova taktika izraelske vojske, kako bi se smanjio broj civilnih žrtava. Samo ovaj tjedan, oko 1000 stanovnika Han Junisa (južni dio Pojasa Gaze) odgovorilo je na telefone da bi čuli snimljenu poruku, kojom ih se upozorava na opasnosti, kojima se izlažu ako daju utočište teroristima, ili skrivaju oružje.

Vojska također baca letke iz zrakoplova, upozoravajući ljude da se klone terorista. Vojska je za kratko vrijeme zauzela i Hamasove radio frekvencije - u cilju prenošenja iste poruke.

Još kad bi se hrabri borci Hamasa i inih terorističkih organizacija prestali služiti svojim vlastitim narodom kao živim štitovima...

Da podsjetim - Izrael je započeo najnoviju ofanzivu, nakon što je skupina palestinskih terorista (među njima i članovi vladajućeg Hamasa) upala na teritorij Izraela, ubila 2 i otela jedog vojnika, 25. lipnja.


26 srpnja, 2006

Izviješće za novinare UNIFIL-a (PDF)
Another UN position of the Ghanaian battalion in the area of Marwahin in the western sector was also directly hit by one mortar round from the Hezbollah side last night. The round did not explode, and there were no casualties or material damage. Another 5 incidents of firing close to UN positions from the Israeli side were reported yesterday. It was also reported that Hezbollah fired from the vicinity of four UN positions at Alma ash Shab, Tibnin, Brashit, and At Tiri. All UNIFIL positions remain occupied and maintained by the troops.

Update 1: Hizb Allah se služio UNIFIL-ovim položajem, na kojeg je pucala izraelska vojska
We received emails from him a few days ago, and he was describing the fact that he was taking fire within, in one case, three meters of his position for tactical necessity, not being targeted. Now that’s veiled speech in the military. What he was telling us was Hezbollah soldiers were all over his position and the IDF were targeting them. And that’s a favorite trick by people who don’t have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can’t be punished for it.

Update 2: Zašto je IDF napao položaj UNIFIL-a

Update 3: SAD je blokirao izjavu, koja osuđuje Izrael, u Vijeću sigurnosti UN-a za gađanje UN-ovog (UNIFIL) položaja u južnom Libanonu:
US diplomats refused to comment, and US Ambassador John Bolton was in Washington preparing for a new confirmation hearing before the Senate; however, several diplomats said the United States objected to one paragraph, which said the council "condemns any deliberate attack against UN personnel and emphasizes that such attacks are unacceptable."

Kanadski premijer Steven Harper(kanadski vojnik ubijen u napadu):
Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper said an Israeli attack on a UN outpost that killed four, including a Canadian, was a “terrible tragedy” but not likely deliberate.

At the same time, he questioned why the UN had manned the outpost in Lebanon near the Israeli border as bombs exploded all around.

“We want to find out why this United Nations post was attacked and also why it remained manned during what is now, more or less, a war during obvious danger to these individuals,” he told reporters.





Ovih su dana mnogi politički vođe izraelskih Arapa, kao i ostale arapske javne osobe optužile vladu za diskriminaciju prema Arapima (vidi Sirene za uzbunu nisu se oglasile u Nazaretu.

Isto tako, intervjuirani izraelski Arapi iz Haife u svojim izjavama zapadnim medijima pokušavali su izjednačiti krivnju Hizb Alle i Izraela.

Najdalje je, naravno, otišao Azmi Bishara, zastupnik stranke Balad, koji je, za vrijeme svog interviewa Sky Newsu za izraelsku operaciju u Libanonu upotrijebio naziv nuklearna bomba, dok je rakete na Haifu nazvao granatama na Haifu.

Ovo je samo nastavak serije sličnih izjava građanina Bishare. Godine 2001. isti se, zajedno s Nasrallom, pojavio na memorijalnoj ceremoniji za Hafeza al Asada (izraelskim građanima zabranjeno je putovanje u Siriju). U svom javnom istupu tada je pozvao na ujedinjenu arapsku naciju u svom frontu protiv Izraela. Godinu dana ranije je, za vrijeme svog govora u arapskom izraelskom gradu Umm El-Fahmu, Bishara hvalio Hizb Allah za poraz i ponižavanje Izraela.

S druge strane, pak, čak je i Jan Egeland, glavni UN humanitarac prozvao Hizb Allah kao stranu odgovornu za smrt libanonskih civila, baš kao i za one, ubijene u Izraelu. Tom je prilikom rekao i da se Hizb Allini borci ponašaju kukavički... miješajući se sa ženama i djecom, što izaziva smrt na stotine libanonskih civila. Isto tako, naglasio je da su Hizb Allini bunkeri, tuneli i lanseri za rakete, uz same njihove borce, često smješteni u blizini, ili između civila.


Ehud Olmert, odgovarajući na pitanje europskog novinara na novinskoj konferenciji od 10. srpnja, u kojem novinar sugerira da Izrael nije trebao koristiti disproporcionalnu silu u Pojasu Gaze:
What exactly is the criterion by which one measures the proportion of more than a thousand missiles shot at innocent civilians against the measures that were taken by the State of Israel in the last few days?

Can one measure the anxiety, the fear, the shocks, the lack of security of tens of thousands of people living day-in and day-out for almost a year under the constant threat of missiles shot at them?

When was the last time that the European Union condemned this shooting and suggested measures, effective measures to stop it? We were waiting and waiting and waiting and everyone knows that Israel pulled out entirely from Gaza precisely in order to try and establish a new basis of cooperation and understanding with the Palestinians, when there can be no claim for any territory by the Palestinians in the south part of the country.

And the response was terror and terror and terror and terror again. So at some point Israel had no choice but to take some measures in order to stop this threat.

Wall Street Journal se, u svom uredničkom prilogu od 14. srpnja osvrće na ovaj lajtmotiv, a nakon sve glasnijih poziva na izraelsko suzdržavanje:
Israel 's military invasion and naval blockade of Lebanon is being denounced in European capitals and at the United Nations as a "disproportionate" response to the kidnapping this week of two of its soldiers by Hezbollah. Israel's decision late last month to invade Gaza in retaliation for the kidnapping of another soldier by Hamas was also condemned as lacking in proportion. So here's a question for our global solons: Since hostage-taking is universally regarded as an act of war, what "proportionate" action do they propose for Israel?

In the case of Hamas, perhaps Israel could rain indiscriminate artillery fire on Gaza City, surely a proportionate response to the 800 rockets Hamas has fired at Israeli towns in the last year alone. In the case of Hezbollah, it might mean carpet bombing a section of south Beirut, another equally proportionate response to Hezbollah's attacks on civilian Jewish and Israeli targets in Buenos Aires in the early 1990s.

We aren't being serious, but neither is a feckless international community that refuses to proportionately denounce the outrages to which Israel is being subjected. That goes also for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who says "all sides must act with restraint." But Israel 's current problems result in part from an excess of restraint in responding to previous Hamas and Hezbollah provocations.

Omri Ceren na Mere Rhetoric prevodi značenje diplomatske riječi suzdržavanje: Suzdržavanje zapravo znači Izraelu nije dozvoljeno djelovanje. :
There's this reflex among journalists and diplomats to urge restraint on both sides right after an attack occurs. Which would be reasonable, if it wasn't almost always the case that the first attack is committed by Israel's enemies. So in the actual context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, "urging restraint" is in almost every case "urging Israeli restraint".

And why would people be "urging Israeli restraint"? Usually because Israel is about to let go of that restraint in response to attack or atrocity.

Con Coughlin, piše u The Telegraphu da libanonska vlada može kriviti jedino sebe u slučaju izraelskog nesuzdržavanja:
The Lebanese can protest that the Israelis are guilty of a massive over-reaction in their response to the plight of two kidnapped soldiers, but the Beirut authorities have only themselves to blame for allowing Hizbollah to maintain a permanent armed presence in southern Lebanon. . . .

For all the goodwill that attended the emergence of the first truly independent Lebanese government for more than 30 years, the Lebanese have singularly failed to rein in Hizbollah, despite repeated requests from the United Nations and Israel to curb the radical Shia Muslim militia's activities in southern Lebanon. . . .

Certainly the Israelis are well within their rights to hold Beirut accountable for Hizbollah's provocative presence on their northern border, which has effectively become Iran's front line in a country it disparagingly describes as "the Zionist entity".

Na kraju, pročitajte analizu Davida Horovitza Izrael u ratu i nakon toga nešto u kontekstu.


Laži i ostale greške Hasana Nasralle

Hizb Alline aktivnosti nisu čisto gerilske, zato što Hib Allah djeluje i protiv civila, niti su čisto terorističke, jer Hizb Allah posjeduje neregularnu vojsku. Tako je Hizb Allah uveo novi termin u uporabu - terorgerila.

Do prije nekoliko dana, Nasrallah je uživao divljenje terorgerile; danas, pak, divljenje njemu podsjeća na glorifikaciju legendarnog Al Caponea.

I Capone je uživao potporu čikaške ulice, dok broj nevinih žrtava nije porastao. Isto važi i za Libanon. Količina razaranja, kombinirana s eliminacijom Hizb Allinih baza, međunarodna potpora Izraelu - sve to rezultira kriticizmom i pritiskom na Nasrallu i njegovu organizaciju. Medijski fokus na bombardiranja propušta primijetiti 7 elemenata u kojima Nasrallah počinje kliziti prema dolje:

1. Ako nisi ba televiziji - ne postojiš. Čini se da je Nasrallina odsutnost s TV ekrana gorka tableta, koju dotični teško guta, ali je ista još i dvostruko gorča njegovim jednicama. Od osobe popularne u raznim TV interviewima, Nasrallah se pretvorio u wanted Nasrallu, koji se bori za TV sekunde. Kada se njegovo lice na TV-u pojavljuje jednom tjedno, on mora nadoknaditi izgubljeno vrijeme i tada njegova predstava postaje usiljena i nekredibilna.

2. Možeš lagati - ali ne možeš biti uhvaćen u laži. Ovo je osnovno pravilo u psihološkom ratu. Kredibilitet vođe, nekad hvaljen i u nekim izraelskim medijima, sada je izgubio oslonac. Na primjer, Hizb Alli je trebalo dugo da prizna da je izraelska vojska ušla u Maroun al-Ras.

3. The Lebanese internalize – the critics lash out. Kao kod domino efekta Libanonci - uključujući tu i šije - polako počinju razumijevati jačinu vojnog cunamija pred kojim se nalaze.

4. Hizb Allah je šokirana brojem žrtava. Hizb Allah namjerno ne objavljuje broj žrtava, u strahu da bi demoralizirala svoju terorgerilu. Ipak, informacije, koje objavljuje IDF, zajedno s onima prikupljenim iz lokalnih libanonskih medija i libanonskih websiteova iščitavaju da je do sad ubijeno oko 120 Hizb Allinih terorista; to je negdje oko 15% njenog aktivnog sastava. Takvi gubici sigurno uzrokuju mobilizaciju rezervista. (Hizb Allah broji oko 800 aktivnih i između 3000 i 5000 rezervista).

5. Frustracija zbog malog broja žrtava u Izraelu. Izgleda da je vodstvo Hizb Allah razočarano malim brojem žrtava na izraelskoj strani. Nasrallina želja bilo je nešto poput efekta samoubilačkih napada iz 2002. godine odnosno fizička i moralna šteta, koju su oni tada prouzročili. Danas je poznato da je to dio Nasralline teze o paukovoj mreži, koja je išla ka izazivanju što većeg broja žrtava u što kraćem vremenu, prije nego se izraelske vlasti snađu i organiziraju zaštitu za svoje građane. Kao rezultat - predvidio je Nasrallah - uslijedio bi jak pritisak Izraelaca na svoje vodstvo da pregovara i sklopi sporazum s Hizb Allom, koja bi tako bila promovirana u političku snagu u Libanonu.

6. Nasrallina noćna mora - južni Libanonci bježe ka sjeveru. U svim Hizb Allinim scenarijima, egzil od oko četvrtine milijuna južnih Libanonaca na sjever, promatran je kao noćna mora. Taj potez, u vojnoj doktrini poznat kao Counter Insurgency u ovom je primjeru još i više: prvo - to znači da upravo Šije (koje podupiru Hizb Allah) postaju izbjeglice; drugo - veliki pritisak na libanonsku vladu i stanovnike Beiruta; treće - ovo će omogućiti IDF-u da efikasnije djeluje po južnolibanonskim selima, s obzirom da sad u njima nema civilnog stanovništva.

7. Tirski front - Osovina zla. Grad Tir i njemu okolnji gradovi puni su raketnih lansera i skladišta oružja, ali je aktivna potpora Hozb Alli u tim gradovima niska i oni se, onda, oslanjaju na teroriste iz sela Maroun al-Ras i Bint Jbeil. Što se Hizb Alle tiče, Tir i njegovo područje promatraju se kao manje važni i ti gradovi često mijenjaju svoj položaj; npr. neki od stanovnika Tira borili su se uz Izrael u južnolibanonskoj vojsci (SLA) - u njenim šiitskim jedinicama - drugi su sinovi članova PLO-a. Oni, koji lansiraju rakete s ovog područja, uglavnom su plaćenici pa je logično da b oni, ako IDF uđe u Tir, ostavili svoje oružje i zbrisali u planine.

Umirovljeni puukovnik Moshe Elad služio je u Libanonu; danas je istraživač na Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology na Technionu u Haifi.


25 srpnja, 2006

U norveškim je novinama 10. srpnja 2006. godine objavljena karikatura izraelskog premijera Ehuda Olmerta, u kojem ga se prikazuje kao SS majora Amona Goetha, osuđenog i obješenog za ratne zločine u Poljskoj 1946.

Karikatura je objavljena u jednoj od najvećih norveških dnevnih novina - Dagbladet.

Lik Amona Goetha široj je javnosti poznat iz Filma Schindlerova lista - to je onaj lik, koji sa svog balkona puca na Židove u logoru... bez nekog određenog razloga.

Link na članak

Update: Blog: Anglikanci za Izrael ima zanimljivu opasku povodom objavljivanja većeg broja antisemitskih karikatura u Europi:
The infamous Muhammad cartoons–whose publication so inflamed the Muslim world–were initially commissioned by the Danish newspaper Jyllands Postem for the purpose of focusing attention on a climate of fear in Europe that is characterized by the practice of self-censorship as a way to appease sensitive Muslims. Contrary to the claims of Muslim protestors, they were not examples of a European tendency to vilify Islam. The regular appearance of anti-Semitic cartoons in several European newspapers is shining light on the Continent’s true prejudice: a deep hatred of Jews and Israel...
Za primijetiti je da ne sprečava strah od toga da se nekoga uvrijedi karikaturiste da se izraze (većina europskih novina ne bi objavila Muhamedove karikature), već je na stvari strah od fizičkog napada na objavljivače karikatura... znači, ne postoji strah od Židova, Izraelaca, ili njihovih pristaša... što znači da usporedba s nacistima samim tim pada u vodu...


23 srpnja, 2006

Nazaret je većinski arapski grad u Galileji, na sjeveru Izraela. Nekad je imao kršćansku, danas, pak, muslimansku većinu. Ovih dana našao se na dometu kaćuša i poginulo je dvoje djece. Sirene se nisu oglasile prije napada. Sirene se ne oglašavaju nužno prije svakog raketnog napada, što su iskusili i drugi izraelski gradovi ovih dana.

Međutim, činjenica neoglašavanja sirena ubrzo je našla mjesto u medijima, uključujući i one izraelske, kao još jedan dokaz očigledne diskriminacije izraelskih Arapa. Jedan od primjera je bio i komentar Yariva Oppenheimera, glavnog tajnika organizacije Peace Now: No sirens in Arabic.

Ovom prilikom potegnut je i argument manjka skloništa i soba-skloništa, koje moraju imati sve novosagrađene zgrade i kuće (ojačana soba u svakoj pojedinačnoj stambenoj jedinici). Međutim, glas razuma probio se barem u izraelske medije - lokalne vlasti odgovorne su i za gradnju skloništa i za izdavanje dozvola za gradnju stanova i kuća, gdje jedan od uvjeta mora biti prisustvo sobe-skloništa.

A sirene?
Home Front Commander: Nazareth asked to be disconnected from air raid sirens

Home Front Commander Yitzhak Jerry Gershon told government ministers: "The city of Nazareth asked to be disconnected from the system of air raid sirens because it interfered with them on remembrance days for IDF martyrs and on Holocaust Day."

Gershon was responding to claims that the siren didn't work in the city when it came under rocket attack in which two brothers were killed last week. (Ronny Sofer)
Ynet News Dakle, grad Nazaret zatraio je iskuljučenje iz sustava zračnih sirena jer im je smetalo njihovo oglašavanje povodom dana sjećanja na izraelske vojnike, kao i na Jom HaŠoa - Dan sjećanja na Šou/Holokaust.